I was on the way back from a late-ish concert with some friends, D and T. We were feeling like we were way too old be out that late (approximately 11pm) and just wanted to catch the next train home. What could go wrong at a metro station late at night, you ask?
A group of middle aged football fans who had been partying way more than us crashed our lethargic wait for the train. A very nice (very drunk) man who was charged with carrying the doughnuts for the group had obviously tired of this grave responsibility and begged us to help him out by taking a couple. D and I showed no interest whatsoever (obviously raised to avoid taking candy from strangers), but drunken doughnut carrier found a friend in T. He perked up when offered a doughnut and somehow ended up with the entire box. Needless to say the rest of the group was quite miffed when they saw T on the train with their doughnuts.
Would you eat doughnuts from a drunken but harmless middle aged man you had just met on the train? I thought that I wouldn't... and didn't all night. But the lure of those glazed, sugared, trans-fat free doughnuts was too much for me when I awoke in the morning. I ate two train doughnuts. This is a shame I must now live with forever...
Haha. I can't say what I would do in that situation, but I can tell you what I did do...
p.s. I am slow on the uptake b/c I just found the blog. Yay!
I wish I was there for sketchy train donuts.
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