No photos today, just a brief documentation of some (mostly) delicious food that I've eaten since losing the ability to chew with my front teeth last week.
Immediately after the surgery the Jar took me to get a bunch of prescriptions filled and we grabbed some lentil salad and rice pudding at
Bon Appetit in the Princeton Shopping Center. I had never been there before and found it to be a delightful (if not pricey) place. The best part of the lentil salad was the goat cheese chunks, the worst part was the big bits of red pepper, which I would normally find delightful but couldn't eat just yet. The rice pudding was incredibly delightful and made me reminisce about the now defunct Pudding on the Rice in Provo. (If any readers out there would like to start a rice pudding cafe, please do so near my neighborhood!)
After settling in to my new post-oral surgery life we made a trip to my favorite grocery store (Wegman's) and loaded up on instant mashed potatoes. Yes, I know I could have just made mashed potatoes but I was craving the salty deliciousness and small amount of work required from the instant variety. We stocked up on other predictable items like a giant jar of applesauce and instant pudding.
The two things that got me through the last week with some semblance of nutrition were smoothies and oatmeal. Having oatmeal at breakfast (thanks Jar!) provided a nice start to my day, especially in the few days after surgery when I would wake up groggy and swollen.
Smoothies consisted of some combination of the following: frozen strawberries, frozen peaches, fresh cherries, fresh blueberries, banana, yogurt, and orange jucie. I managed to make an outstanding number of these smoothies and mixed up the ingredients enough to keep it interesting.
There you have it - a detailed description of most of what I've been eating in the last week. Man, I love how easy the internet makes narcissism.