Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Quick lunch lentil salad

There's no picture today because I just engulfed the salad, but I will share this quick and easy recipe I threw together today for my lunch. I found myself with an excess amount of lentils after making the lentil and rice pilaf from this month's vegetarian times. Paired with some pre-shredded carrots and some parsley that the Jar was kind enough to cut for me this morning, this salad is a pretty quick and easy throw together for lunch.

About a cup of lentils
Small handful of chopped parsley
1/4 cup or so shredded carrots
1-2 Tablespoons soft-ish cheese (I used blue because that's what we had but goat or feta would have been delicious)
Balsamic vinegar, olive oil, garlic powder and salt and pepper to taste.

Mix together salad ingredients in a lunch-ready container and whisk together vinegar, oil, and seasonings in separate bowl. Combine and enjoy!

1 comment:

Livia said...

I will have to try this :-)
Been experimenting with lentils these days...